Website refresh for 2024

It has been quite a long time since I made any updates to the website – the last blog post was in 2016! – and the website had actually been offline for quite a while. So I decided to get it back up and running, as well as giving it a bit of facelift for 2024. I have updated the Facebook page to match the new branding as well.

I have been a lot more active with posting regularly on the Facebook page recently, and I aiming to match that by writing some lengthier content in the form of blog posts every now and then here on the website. Whilst I am aware that the website doesn’t have a huge amount of visitors, this will be a way of me further documenting my researching in a way that is hopefully informative and interesting to relatives of mine, no matter how distant, and also fellow amateur genealogists!

Another project within the website that I want to start work on is setting up a database of individual ancestors where each one has their own page showing their basic details, a more detailed biography, photos, and then links to the pages of their spouse(s), parents, children, siblings, etc. Much like an individual person’s page on a tree on Ancestry, but available publicly and a bit more fleshed out. Obviously this would be impossible to achieve for every single person in my tree, but I would hand-pick a few ancestors/branches to highlight. Stay tuned for updates!